Does Blow Drying Your Hair Kill Lice?

In the never-ending battle against hair-dwelling pests, many age-old remedies and innovative treatments have emerged. Among them, the question of whether blow drying can effectively eradicate lice has sparked considerable debate.

Join us as we delve into the intricate world of lice infestations and uncover the scientific evidence behind this widely debated topic.

  • Lice, also known as head lice or Pediculus humanus capitis, are tiny, wingless insects that feed on human blood and make their home in the scalp.
  • Blow drying, a common hair styling technique, involves using a heated airflow to dry and style hair.
  • The theory behind using a blow dryer against lice is that the heat generated can dehydrate and kill the lice and their eggs, known as nits.
  • However, scientific studies have shown that blow drying alone is not a reliable method for eliminating lice.
  • While heat can indeed kill lice, the temperature required to achieve this is higher than what most hair dryers can safely deliver without causing scalp damage.
  • Additionally, nits are more resistant to heat and can survive even high temperatures, making blow drying ineffective against them.
  • To effectively combat lice infestations, a combination of mechanical removal, chemical treatments, and preventive measures is typically recommended.

Does Blow Drying Your Hair Kill Lice?

Blow Drying Effectiveness
Yes No

Blow drying your hair is not an effective method for eliminating lice from hair. Lice are small, parasitic insects that live on the scalp and feed on human blood. They are spread through head-to-head contact and can cause itching, irritation, and sores.

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Blow dryers can kill lice, but only if the air is hot enough and the lice are exposed to the heat for a long enough period of time. However, it is difficult to get the air from a blow dryer hot enough to kill lice without damaging the hair. Additionally, it is difficult to ensure that all of the lice are exposed to the heat for a long enough period of time.

There are more effective methods for eliminating lice from hair, such as using a lice shampoo or conditioner, or using a lice comb. These methods are more effective because they are specifically designed to kill lice and they do not damage the hair.

How to Use a Blow Dryer to Kill Lice

Lice Type Temperature Setting
Head Lice 130°F (54°C)
Body Lice 150°F (65°C)
Pubic Lice 140°F (60°C)

When using a blow dryer to kill lice, it is important to use the correct temperature setting. If the temperature is too low, the lice will not be killed. If the temperature is too high, it can damage the hair and scalp. The ideal temperature setting for killing lice is between 130°F (54°C) and 150°F (65°C).

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It is also important to use the blow dryer correctly. Hold the blow dryer about 6 inches away from the scalp and move it in a circular motion. Be sure to cover the entire scalp, including the back of the neck and behind the ears. Continue blow drying for at least 30 minutes.

After blow drying, comb the hair with a fine-toothed comb to remove any dead lice or eggs. Be sure to check the hair for lice and eggs every day for at least two weeks to make sure that all of the lice have been killed.

How Long Does It Take to Kill Lice with a Blow Dryer?

Hair Length Blow Dryer Temperature Application Time
Short 140°F (60°C) 30 seconds
Medium 145°F (63°C) 45 seconds
Long 150°F (66°C) 60 seconds

The blow dryer should be held close to the scalp, but not touching it.

Move the blow dryer slowly and evenly over each section of hair.

Be sure to treat all areas of the scalp, including the nape of the neck and behind the ears.

Once you have treated all of the hair, continue to blow dry the hair for an additional 5 minutes to ensure that all of the lice and eggs are dead.

Other Methods for Killing Lice

Does Blow Drying Your Hair Kill Lice-3

Method Effectiveness Pros Cons
Blow Drying Low Non-chemical, painless, and widely accessible Ineffective against nits, requires professional treatment

Blow drying your hair is not a reliable method for eliminating lice. While the heat from a blow dryer can kill lice, it is unlikely to reach all of them, particularly those that are close to the scalp or hidden in the hair follicles.

Additionally, blow drying is ineffective against nits, which are the eggs of lice. Nits are typically attached to the hair shaft and require a special treatment to remove them.

For these reasons, blow drying is not recommended as a primary treatment for lice. Instead, it is best to use a lice shampoo or other over-the-counter treatment specifically designed to kill lice and nits.

If you have concerns about lice, it is advisable to consult a healthcare professional for guidance on the most effective treatment options.

Benefits of Using a Blow Dryer to Kill Lice

Dehydration of Lice

The hot air from a blow dryer can dehydrate lice, causing them to die. Lice need moisture to survive, and the dry heat from a blow dryer can effectively remove this moisture, leading to their demise.

Damage to Lice Eggs

The high temperature of the blow dryer can also damage lice eggs, preventing them from hatching and infesting the scalp. The heat can cause the eggs to dry out or even cook, making them non-viable.

Non-Toxic Treatment

Unlike chemical treatments, using a blow dryer to eliminate lice is a non-toxic and chemical-free approach. It does not involve the use of harsh chemicals that can irritate the scalp or cause allergic reactions, making it a safer option for individuals with sensitive skin or allergies.

Ease of Use

Using a blow dryer to kill lice is a relatively easy and straightforward process. It does not require any special skills or equipment, and it can be done at home without the need for professional assistance.

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A blow dryer is a commonly found household item, making it a convenient option for lice treatment. It eliminates the need to purchase expensive over-the-counter lice treatments or visit a healthcare professional for treatment.


Compared to traditional lice treatments that may require multiple applications or lengthy waiting periods, using a blow dryer can be a time-saving solution. It allows for a quick and efficient treatment process, reducing the time and effort required to eliminate lice.

Complementary Treatment

Using a blow dryer can be used in conjunction with other lice treatment methods, such as combing or nitpicking, to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment. It can help to loosen the grip of lice and eggs on the hair shaft, making them easier to remove.


Many seek solace in the heat of a blow dryer, hoping to eradicate these unwelcome scalp dwellers. However, scientific evidence dashes these hopes, revealing that blow drying alone is a feeble weapon in this battle.

While heat can indeed vanquish lice, the temperatures required are far beyond what most hair dryers can safely deliver without causing harm to the scalp. Additionally, nits, the resilient eggs of lice, remain unscathed even under intense heat, rendering blow drying ineffective against them.

For a lice-free triumph, a more comprehensive strategy is required, combining mechanical removal, chemical treatments, and preventive measures to ensure a lasting victory.