How To Get Rid Of Granddaddy Long Legs Naturally?

Here are some natural ways to get rid of granddaddy long legs, also known as daddy long legs or harvestmen:

  • Vacuum them up: A powerful vacuum cleaner can be used to eliminate these spiders from your home.
  • Use sticky traps: Sticky traps can catch and hold the spiders, preventing them from moving around your home.
  • Boric acid: This can be used to deter the spiders.
  • DIY harvestmen repellent: You can make a natural repellent at home.
  • Use natural sprays or pesticides: There are natural sprays available that can deter these spiders.
  • Food-Grade Diatomaceous earth: This is a type of soil that can prevent the spiders from moving around or protect their limbs from damage.

Key Points to Include:

  • Introduce the topic of granddaddy long legs and their prevalence in homes and gardens.
  • Emphasize the importance of using natural methods for pest control.
  • Highlight the safety and effectiveness of natural remedies.
  • Provide a brief overview of the methods that will be discussed in the blog post.
  • End with a compelling statement that encourages readers to continue reading.

Remember to keep the introduction concise, engaging, and informative to captivate your readers and make them eager to learn more about natural pest control solutions.

Prevention Measures: Keeping Granddaddy Long Legs Away

Here are some prevention measures to keep granddaddy long legs or harvestmen away from your home:

  • Deep Cleaning: Regularly clean and declutter your home, especially dim and moist areas where they tend to hide.
  • Seal Cracks: Repair any cracks in windows, doors, and pipes to prevent them from entering your home.
  • Garden Maintenance: Remove dead leaves and trim plants away from your house. This can eliminate their food source and hiding places.
  • Remove Debris: Clean up wood, trash, and other debris around the perimeter of your house.
  • Seal Entry Points: Seal cracks and crevices around your foundation, windows, and doors, and repair broken screens so they have no way of entering your home.
  • Keep House Dry: Daddy long legs like moisture. Fix leaky faucets and pipes, use dehumidifiers, and dry any standing water.

Natural Repellents: Using Essential Oils and Herbs

Essential Oil Herbs
Peppermint Oil Chives
Tea Tree Oil Lemon Balm
Lavender Oil Pennyroyal
Eucalyptus Oil Basil
Citronella Oil Catnip

DIY Traps: Capturing Granddaddy Long Legs Humanely

Trap Type Materials Instructions
Jar and Stick Trap
  • Clean glass jar with lid
  • Stick or pencil
    • Place the jar on its side with the mouth facing upwards.
    • Prop the stick or pencil against the jar, creating a ramp for the granddaddy long legs to climb.
    • Wait for the granddaddy long legs to crawl into the jar.
    • Once inside, carefully replace the lid and release the granddaddy long legs outdoors.
Paper Cone Trap
  • Sheet of paper
  • Stapler
    • Roll the paper into a cone shape, with the wider end open.
    • Secure the cone with a stapler.
    • Place the cone near areas where granddaddy long legs are commonly seen.
    • When a granddaddy long legs crawls inside, gently lift the cone and release it outdoors.
Vegetable Oil Trap
  • Shallow dish
  • Vegetable oil
    • Pour a thin layer of vegetable oil into the dish.
    • Place the dish near areas where granddaddy long legs are commonly seen.
    • The granddaddy long legs will get stuck in the oil and can be easily removed and released outdoors.
Also Read:  Brown Recluse Vs Wolf Spider?

Exclusion Techniques: Sealing Entry Points and Cracks

Exclusion techniques are a key part of pest control, including for creatures like granddaddy long legs. Here are some steps you can take to seal entry points and cracks:

  • Inspect Your Home: The first step is to thoroughly inspect your home for any potential entry points. This includes windows, doors, pipes, vents, and the foundation of your home.
  • Seal Cracks and Crevices: Use a good quality caulk to seal any cracks and crevices you find during your inspection. Pay special attention to areas where pipes and wires enter your home.
  • Repair or Replace Damaged Screens: If your windows or doors have screens, check them for any damage. Even a small tear in a screen can be an entry point for pests.
  • Install Door Sweeps: A door sweep is a cheap and effective way to seal the gap under exterior doors. This can prevent pests from entering your home.
  • Seal Gaps Around Pipes and Vents: Use caulk or expandable foam to seal gaps around pipes and vents. These are common entry points for many pests.
  • Check Your Roof: If you have a chimney or any roof vents, make sure they are properly covered to prevent pests from entering.

Moisture Control: Eliminating Damp Conditions

How To Get Rid Of Granddaddy Long Legs Naturally-2

Method Description
Ventilation Opening windows and doors, using exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathrooms, and running a dehumidifier can help to reduce moisture levels in the home.
Identifying and Fixing Leaks Check for leaks in the roof, around windows and doors, and in plumbing fixtures. Repair any leaks promptly to prevent moisture from entering the home.
Using Damp-Proofing Materials Applying a damp-proof membrane to the walls and floor of the basement or crawl space can help to prevent moisture from seeping in.
Improving Insulation Proper insulation can help to keep the home warm and dry, reducing the likelihood of condensation forming.
Using Indoor Plants Certain plants, such as ferns and peace lilies, can help to absorb moisture from the air.

Vacuuming and Cleaning: Removing Granddaddy Long Legs Physically

Vacuuming and cleaning are effective methods for physically removing granddaddy long legs from your home. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Regular Vacuuming: Regularly vacuum your home, especially in corners, under furniture, and other hard-to-reach places where these spiders may hide. The suction can catch the spiders and remove them from your home.
  • Use a Long Attachment: If the spiders are in high or hard-to-reach places, use a long attachment on your vacuum cleaner to reach them.
  • Empty the Vacuum Immediately: After vacuuming, it’s important to immediately empty the vacuum cleaner outside your home to ensure the spiders don’t escape back into your home.
  • Regular Cleaning: Regularly clean your home, especially areas that are dark and damp, as these are the places where granddaddy long legs like to hide. This includes basements, attics, closets, and bathrooms.
  • Declutter: Granddaddy long legs like to hide in clutter. So, regularly decluttering your home can remove their potential hiding spots.

Remember, while vacuuming and cleaning can help reduce the number of spiders in your home, they may not completely eliminate the problem if the spiders have already laid eggs. Therefore, it’s important to combine these methods with other prevention and control measures for the best results.

Also Read:  Do Daddy Long Legs Eat Mosquitoes?


To bid farewell to granddaddy long legs without resorting to harsh chemicals, embrace the power of nature’s arsenal. Discover a treasure trove of natural repellents, from the invigorating scent of peppermint oil to the soothing aroma of lavender.

Herbs like chives and basil act as guardians against these delicate creatures, repelling them with their pungent fragrance. Craft clever traps using everyday items like jars, paper cones, or vegetable oil to capture and release them gently into the wild.

Seal cracks and crevices, their gateways into your abode, to prevent future invasions. Control moisture levels, their breeding ground, by ensuring proper ventilation, fixing leaks, and embracing moisture-absorbing plants.

Regular vacuuming banishes any stragglers, restoring your home to its granddaddy long legs-free glory.