How To Get Rid Of Soldier Beetles Naturally?

As summer unfurls its warmth and vibrancy, it also ushers in an array of garden visitors, among which the soldier beetle is a frequent flyer. These insects, while not harmful to plants, can become a nuisance due to their sheer numbers, especially when they invade your home or garden in search of aphids and other prey.

Understanding the delicate balance between maintaining your garden’s health and keeping these beetles at bay can be a bit of a juggling act. This is why we’re diving deep into nature’s toolbox to bring you effective strategies for managing soldier beetles without resorting to harsh chemicals. Our guide is designed to be both engaging and informative, ensuring you’re equipped with all you need to handle these insects in a manner that’s kind to both your garden and the environment.

So, how do you get rid of soldier beetles naturally?

You can try these natural ways to get rid of soldier beetles:

  • Leave them alone: Soldier beetles are beneficial insects that help pollinate flowers and get rid of insect pests.
  • Use natural repellents: You can use neem oil, peppermint oil, or tea tree oil to repel beetles. Mix neem oil with water and spray it around access points and places with items beetles can feed on. Peppermint oil is a natural insecticide that repels beetles and other pests. The strong scent of tea tree oil can deter beetles, flies, and bees.
  • Use diatomaceous earth: This white powder is created from fossilized phytoplankton and is effective against beetles. When pests breathe in the dust, they suffocate. When they walk over it, they get cut.

You can also try these other methods to get rid of beetles: insect traps, pyrethrin, lavender, and vacuum cleaner.

You should avoid using pesticides, as they can kill soldier beetles and other beneficial insects. Instead, you can consider using natural methods, such as companion planting and hand-picking pests.

So, let’s get started.

What are Soldier Beetles?

Soldier beetles, also known colloquially as leatherwings, represent a group of beetles renowned for their beneficial role in gardens and ecosystems.

They’re not just any old bug; these critters are the unsung heroes of the insect world, playing a crucial part in controlling garden pests and aiding in plant pollination. Here’s the lowdown on these fascinating insects:

Attribute Description
Scientific Name Cantharidae
Appearance Varying colours, often with a soft, leather-like wing covering over their delicate hindwings. Adults are spotted frequently in the act of mating while feasting on nectar and pollen.
Lifecycle Larvae stage lasts 1-3 years; they have a felt-like exoskeleton and feed primarily at night. Adults emerge to feed on nectar, pollen, and pests.
Habitat Common in summer gardens across North America, thriving among summer-blooming plants.
Benefit to Gardens Predators of harmful garden pests and pollinators of plants. Encouraging their presence involves providing nectar sources and avoiding synthetic pesticides.

Despite their beneficial roles outdoors, soldier beetles can sometimes wander into homes, becoming unwelcome guests for many homeowners. They’re drawn indoors by lights or in search of shelter as seasons change.

Though they’re far from being harmful or destructive pests like termites or carpenter ants, their presence can be bothersome.

What Makes Them a Common Pest in Homes?

Their search for warmth and light can lead soldier beetles to infiltrate homes. Once inside, they tend to congregate around windows or light sources, creating an inconvenience rather than causing damage. Unlike other home pests that might chew through your pantry or wreak havoc on wooden structures, soldier beetles are more a nuisance due to their numbers than any direct harm.

So, if you find these critters making themselves at home in your space, remember they’re not out to cause trouble. They’ve simply lost their way while doing good out in the garden. A gentle nudge back outside or preventive measures like sealing entry points and using fine mesh screens can keep them from becoming unwelcome houseguests.

How can they become a nuisance?

Soldier beetles, while highly beneficial in the garden ecosystem, can sometimes cross the line to becoming a nuisance in homes and gardens.

Their quest for warmth and light often leads them into places where they’re not exactly welcome. Here’s a breakdown of how these critters can become bothersome and what you might notice:

Invasion of Personal Spaces

Aspect Description Impact
Lure of Light Soldier beetles are attracted to bright lights. May swarm around outdoor lighting or windows, leading to unwanted gatherings on porches or inside homes.
Seeking Warmth They seek out warm spaces during cooler temperatures. Can lead to large numbers of beetles inside homes, particularly in attics or wall voids.
Defensive Chemicals When threatened, they may release a smelly chemical. Can cause unpleasant odors if disturbed inside the home.

Garden Gatherings

Soldier beetles are known for their amorous gatherings in gardens, particularly during late summer.

While this is a natural part of their lifecycle and beneficial for pollination, it can sometimes become overwhelming when they congregate in large numbers.

Also Read:  How To Get Rid Of Click Beetles Naturally?

Managing the Nuisance

  • Light Management: Consider reducing outdoor lighting during peak soldier beetle seasons or using yellow bulbs that are less attractive to them.
  • Seal Entrances: Ensure that windows, doors, and any cracks leading into the house are well sealed.
  • Natural Repellents: Encourage natural predators like birds to your garden, which can help keep the beetle population in check.

Remember, despite their nuisance potential, soldier beetles play a crucial role in the garden by preying on pests and aiding in pollination. Before taking any action against them, weigh up the benefits they bring against the inconveniences they may cause.

Removing Debris and Dead Plant Material

Removing debris and dead plant material is a critical step in controlling the population of soldier beetles naturally.

This strategy not only helps in managing these insects but also ensures the health of your garden by preventing disease spread.

Action Benefit Impact on Soldier Beetles
Removing dead plant material Reduces shelter for pests Decreases soldier beetle population
Clearing diseased debris Prevents disease spread Lowers survival rate of disease-carrying beetles
Balancing debris removal with ecosystem support Maintains beneficial insect and bird populations Controls soldier beetle numbers naturally

Reducing Chemical Pesticides and Fertilizers

Reducing the reliance on chemical pesticides and fertilizers to manage soldier beetles can be done effectively through several natural alternatives.

These methods not only deter or eliminate the beetles but also contribute to a healthier, more sustainable garden ecosystem. Let’s dive into some of the most effective strategies:

Companion Planting

Companion planting is a savvy way to keep those unwelcome soldier beetles at bay.

By strategically placing certain plants together, you can create a natural barrier against pests while enhancing your garden’s overall health and productivity.

Plant Benefit How It Helps
Marigolds Repels pests The strong scent of marigolds is known to deter soldier beetles and other garden pests.
Garlic Natural repellent Planting garlic around the garden acts as a natural deterrent for soldier beetles.
Chrysanthemums Insecticidal properties These flowers contain pyrethrin, a natural insecticide that can help control beetle populations.

Physical Removal

If you spot soldier beetles on your plants, donning a pair of gloves and physically removing them can be an immediate albeit temporary fix.

  • Brushing Away: A soft brush can be used to gently remove beetles from delicate plants.
  • Water Spray: A sharp spray from a hose can dislodge and discourage beetles without harming your plants.

Attracting Natural Predators

Nature has its own pest control mechanisms. By attracting birds, frogs, and ladybird beetles (ironically) to your garden, you’re enlisting the help of nature’s own soldiers in the battle against pests.

  • Birds: Installing bird feeders or houses can encourage avian visitors who will feast on unwanted beetles.
  • Frogs: A small garden pond can attract frogs, which are known to eat various insect pests.
  • Ladybird Beetles: While you’re trying to get rid of soldier beetles, welcoming ladybirds into your garden helps control aphid populations, another common pest.

Natural Repellents

Certain scents and substances are naturally off-putting to soldier beetles.

Creating barriers or deterrents using these can reduce beetle numbers effectively.

  • Diatomaceous Earth: Sprinkling this around plants creates a barrier that’s lethal to many insects, including soldier beetles.

How To Get Rid Of Soldier Beetles Naturally-2

Using Sticky Traps to Capture Adult Beetles

Sticky traps, those unassuming bits of cardboard or plastic slathered with a super sticky glue, are surprisingly adept at nabbing adult beetles that might otherwise be wreaking havoc in your home. Here’s the lowdown on why they’re so effective and how to use them to keep your beetle troubles at bay.

Why Sticky Traps Work Wonders:

  • No Escape: Once a beetle lands on the trap, the game’s over. The glue is too strong for them to break free.
  • Silent Hunters: They work round the clock, snagging beetles whether it’s lights out or you’re away from home.
  • Chemical-Free: Unlike sprays or baits that may contain toxins, sticky traps catch beetles without any pesticides. They might, however, include enticing aromas specially designed to attract these critters.
  • Insightful: By examining the critters caught, you can get an idea of the infestation level and even pinpoint where they’re coming from.

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Sticky Traps:

Step Action Notes
1 Choose Your Trap Opt for light-duty sticky traps for indoor use; these are less messy and easier to handle.
2 Identify Beetle Hotspots Focus on dark areas and near walls—places beetles love. Check behind appliances and furniture.
3 Placement Stick the traps against a vertical surface or lay them flat on the floor. Ensure they’re in paths beetles frequent but out of pets’ and children’s reach.
4 Maintenance Check traps regularly. Replace them once full of beetles or if they become dusty as this lessens their stickiness.
5 Monitoring Analyze your catch. A sudden increase might indicate a growing infestation or reveal new hiding spots.

Sticky traps are a simple yet effective tool against adult beetles. They offer a non-toxic way to monitor and reduce beetle populations indoors. For best results, combine them with other control methods like keeping your space clean to reduce food sources and sealing cracks to prevent beetle entry.

Remember, while sticky traps are great for capturing adult beetiles and monitoring infestations, they’re just one part of an integrated pest management approach.

Insecticide Use for Infestations

Natural Alternative Description Application/Usage
Homemade Sprays Mixture of water, white vinegar, and a few drops of dish soap. The acidity of vinegar repels many insects. Spray directly on soldier beetles or in areas where they are commonly found.
Diatomaceous Earth Fine powder made from fossilized algae; safe for humans and pets but deadly to insects. Apply around doorways, windows, and other entry points to act as a barrier.
Repellent Plants Plants like marigolds, chrysanthemums, petunias, basil, garlic, and onions are known to deter soldier beetles. Plant around your home or garden perimeter to keep soldier beetles at bay.
Good Hygiene and Cleanliness Maintain a clean environment by removing decaying organic matter and sealing cracks or crevices. Regularly clean your garden and home to prevent attracting soldier beetles.
Also Read:  How To Get Rid Of Ground Beetles Naturally?

Getting rid of soldier beetles doesn’t have to involve harsh chemicals. By employing natural alternatives such as homemade sprays, diatomaceous earth, planting repellent plants, and maintaining good hygiene around your home, you can manage these pests effectively.

Each of these methods offers a safe and environmentally friendly option for repelling and eliminating soldier beetles.

So, whether you’re mixing up a batch of vinegar spray, sprinkling diatomaceous earth around entry points, planting some pungent flowers and herbs, or just keeping things tidy, you’re on the right path to enjoying a beetle-free home.

Attracting Natural Predators to Control Populations

To tackle the nuisance of soldier beetles, it’s wise to turn to nature’s own arsenal. Attracting natural predators offers a sustainable and effective solution.

Below, we detail some formidable foes of soldier beetles and how you can invite them into your garden.

Predator Attraction Strategy Benefits
Ground Beetles Introduce sheltered areas like log or rock piles. Nocturnal hunters; feed on various insects including soldier beetles.
Lacewings Plant nectar-rich flowers such as goldenrod and dill. Feed on soldier beetles among other pests; enhance garden biodiversity.
Birds (Sparrows, Chickadees) Install birdhouses and feeders to create bird-friendly zones. Consume soldier beetles; contribute to natural pest control.
Dragonflies Build a small pond to attract dragonflies for breeding and foraging. Skilled hunters with excellent eyesight; control various insect populations.
Tachinid Flies Plant asters and goldenrod as food sources for these parasitic flies. Lay eggs on soldier beetles, leading to natural biocontrol.

To maximize the effectiveness of these natural predators, consider the following strategies:

  • Create a Balanced Ecosystem: A diverse garden attracts a wide range of beneficial insects and birds. Aim for a mix of plants that flower at different times to provide continuous food sources.
  • Avoid Chemical Pesticides: These can harm beneficial insects and disrupt natural pest control mechanisms. Opt for organic methods if pest management is necessary.
  • Provide Water Sources: Small water features not only attract dragonflies but also provide hydration for birds and insects, making your garden more inviting.
  • Maintain Natural Habitats: Leave some areas of your garden a bit wilder to offer hiding and nesting spots for ground beetles and other predators.

Embracing these practices not only curbs soldier beetle populations but also fosters a vibrant, healthy garden ecosystem.

Holistic Approach to Pest Management

The holistic approach to pest management is a comprehensive strategy that focuses on creating a balanced and healthy ecosystem to manage pests naturally, rather than relying solely on chemical controls.

This method emphasizes the importance of understanding the ecological relationships between different organisms and making use of these interactions to control pest populations. Here’s how it can specifically aid in managing soldier beetles naturally:

Holistic Strategies for Managing Soldier Beetles

  • Promoting Natural Predators: Encourage the presence of creatures like birds, ground beetles, and lacewings that feed on soldier beetles.
  • Diverse Planting: Cultivate a variety of plants to attract these natural predators and create an unwelcoming environment for soldier beetles.
  • Environmental Adjustments: Address underlying issues such as over-watering or poor soil drainage that can attract soldier beetles.
  • Physical Barriers: Use sticky traps around vulnerable plants to catch soldier beetles without harming beneficial insects or the wider environment.
  • Minimal Chemical Use: Resort to insecticides as a last measure, focusing on those with minimal environmental impact and ensuring they’re applied safely.


Strategy Benefits Considerations
Promoting Natural Predators Reduces soldier beetle populations naturally. Requires diversity in planting to attract a range of predators.
Diverse Planting Creates an ecosystem less attractive to pests. Planning is needed to ensure plant variety.
Environmental Adjustments Addresses root causes of infestations. May involve changes in gardening practices.
Physical Barriers Directly reduces beetle numbers without chemicals. Sticky traps need regular replacement.
Minimal Chemical Use Last resort can effectively reduce pests when necessary. Important to choose insecticides carefully for safety.


Knowing how to deal with army beetles in our homes and gardens becomes crucial to our quest to live in harmony with the natural world. These beetles are helpful in our gardens because they help with pest management and pollinate plants, but sometimes they stray inside our houses and become a problem instead of an ally. Our research has shown that, without using dangerous pesticides, there are a number of strategies to keep these useful insects as visitors in our outdoor areas.

Every technique relates to the philosophy of environmentally responsible pest control, from the methodical removal of garden trash to the prudent use of natural barriers and repellents to the introduction of their natural predators. Companion planting and physical removal methods are two further examples of how using easy-to-implement but powerful tactics may result in a well-balanced garden environment.

Adopting these natural solutions enhances our knowledge of the delicate balance in our gardens and highlights our dedication to environmental care. We create a balanced garden by creating conditions that prevent soldier beetles from proliferating and at the same time support beneficial insect-plant partnerships.