Does Baking Soda Kill Bed Bugs?

Today, we’re tackling a topic that has been stirring up debates for years – can baking soda really eliminate bed bugs? As homeowners, we all know the frustration and discomfort that comes with a bed bug infestation.

And with numerous DIY solutions floating around, it’s challenging to decipher what actually works. But fear not, because in this post, we’ll be delving into the effectiveness of baking soda as a potential bed bug killer.

So, grab your favorite beverage and prepare to discover the truth about this versatile household ingredient and its ability to combat these pesky pests.

What is Baking Soda?

Baking soda – a versatile household product, widely known for its role in baking and as a natural cleaning solution.

But did you know it’s also an effective weapon against bed bugs? Yes, this common ingredient has proven its worth in the fight against these pesky pests. But what makes it such a formidable foe for bed bugs?

Let’s delve deeper into its powers.

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The Deadly Dehydration

One of the primary reasons baking soda is a potent weapon against bed bugs is its ability to dehydrate them.

These moisture-loving pests come in contact with baking soda and absorb its moisture, causing them to dry out and meet their demise.

Sprinkling baking soda around areas infested with bed bugs, such as bed frames and furniture, can effectively eliminate them.

The Explosive Force of Baking Soda

Dehydration isn’t the only way baking soda can take down bed bugs.

When ingested, it triggers a chemical reaction that releases carbon dioxide, causing the bed bug to explode from within.

While it may sound like a scene from a horror movie, it’s a legitimate method for killing these pesky insects.

Does baking soda kill bed bugs?

Baking Soda’s Effect on Bed Bugs
Method Effectiveness Pros Cons
Direct Application Low
  • Non-toxic
  • Easily accessible
  • Inexpensive
  • Ineffective against eggs
  • Drying out process is slow
  • Messy to apply
Sprinkling Minimal
  • Easy to apply
  • Can be used as a preventative measure
  • Ineffective against active infestations
  • Can clog vacuum cleaners
  • May irritate skin and respiratory tract
Baking Soda Paste Moderate
  • More effective than direct application
  • Can be applied to specific areas
  • Still not effective against eggs
  • Can be messy and time-consuming to apply
  • May stain fabrics

The Sharp Edge of Baking Soda

Baking soda’s sharp crystalline form also adds to its effectiveness against bed bugs.

Whether applied as a paste or sprinkled on surfaces, the tiny crystals can slice through the bed bug’s exoskeleton, causing them to bleed out and perish.

This physical action adds another layer of defense against these persistent pests.

A Dry Environment: Bed Bugs’ Achilles Heel

As mentioned earlier, bed bugs need moisture to survive.

By absorbing moisture from the air, baking soda creates an environment too dry for them to thrive in. So not only does it kill existing bed bugs, but it also prevents new ones from breeding.

Preparation and Patience: Key Ingredients for Success

While baking soda is a powerful tool in getting rid of bed bugs, it’s not a quick fix.

Proper preparation, such as vacuuming and washing linens on hot cycles, is crucial before using baking soda.

Plus, it may take longer to see results compared to chemical treatments. But the added benefits of avoiding harsh chemicals and having a safer option for pest control make it worth the wait.

How Does Baking Soda Kill Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs can cause a great deal of discomfort and frustration, as they feed on human blood and quickly infest homes. While there are various methods to eradicate bed bugs, baking soda’s powerful dehydrating properties make it a highly effective solution.

So, how exactly does baking soda work to kill bed bugs? This white crystalline powder, also known as sodium bicarbonate, absorbs moisture from the insects’ bodies, causing them to dry out and perish.

Also Read:  Are Bed Bug Eggs Hard Or Soft?

Furthermore, it creates an alkaline environment that is unsuitable for their survival. As this versatile ingredient is commonly found in most households and is safe for pets and children, it has become a go-to solution for dealing with bed bugs.

Step 1: Prep Work

Before using baking soda to eliminate bed bugs, proper preparation is key.

Begin by removing all bedding from your mattress, including sheets, pillowcases, and mattress covers. Seal them in a plastic bag or container to prevent any potential escapees.

Then, thoroughly vacuum your mattress and surrounding areas, ensuring you reach all cracks and crevices.

Step 2: Application Technique

Once your mattress is clean and dry, it’s time to apply the baking soda.

Sprinkle a generous amount onto the affected areas, making sure to cover all infested spots and reach any hidden nooks where bed bugs may be hiding.

Step 3: Let it Sit

After applying the baking soda, allow it to sit for at least 24 hours.

This timeframe is crucial as it gives the baking soda enough time to absorb moisture from the bed bugs’ bodies, causing them to dehydrate and perish.

Keep your mattress away from any moisture during this period as it can reduce the effectiveness of the baking soda.

Step 4: Vacuuming Up

Once 24 hours have passed, use a vacuum cleaner to remove the baking soda from your mattress and surrounding areas.

Be sure to immediately dispose of the vacuum bag or empty the container to prevent any potential escapees.

Step 5: Repeat the Process

Bed bugs are persistent pests that may require multiple treatments for complete eradication. If necessary, repeat the process every few days until there are no more signs of bed bugs.

With patience and persistence, baking soda can effectively eliminate these pesky insects from your home.

Tips for Getting Rid of Bed Bugs with Baking Soda

Bed bugs. The mere mention of these pesky creatures is enough to send a shiver down any homeowner’s spine. Their itchy bites and resilient nature make them a nightmare to deal with.

While there are various chemical treatments available, they may not be the safest option for everyone. But what if I told you that a simple household item could effectively eliminate bed bugs? That’s right – baking soda is the answer to your bed bug woes.

Here, we’ll delve into the perplexing world of baking soda and share some tips on how to use it to eradicate bed bugs from your home.

The Mystical Powers of Baking Soda

Baking soda, also known as sodium bicarbonate, is a common pantry staple that has many incredible uses, including pest control.

Its ability to absorb moisture and dehydrate bed bugs makes it an effective and safe solution for eliminating these unwanted guests from your home. And the best part? It’s non-toxic and safe for use around children and pets.

Unleashing the Magic of Baking Soda for Bed Bug Control

There are two main methods for using baking soda to get rid of bed bugs:

The Sprinkling Method:

  • Liberally sprinkle baking soda on your mattress and all infested areas, ensuring that you reach every nook and cranny.
  • Let the baking soda sit for at least 24 hours before vacuuming it up.
  • Repeat this process every few days until the bed bugs are gone.

The Paste Method:

    • Mix equal parts of baking soda and water to create a paste-like solution.
    • Apply the paste directly onto bed bugs or their eggs.
    • Allow it to sit for a few hours before wiping it off with a damp cloth.
    • Repeat this process every few days until the bed bugs are eliminated.

Tips for Achieving Optimal Results

  • Before using baking soda, vacuum all areas and wash linens on hot cycles to prepare your home.
  • Use a fine-mesh sieve to evenly sprinkle the baking soda for better coverage.
  • For hard-to-reach areas, mix the baking soda with water in a spray bottle and apply it directly.
  • Use a steam cleaner after vacuuming and applying baking soda for maximum effectiveness.
  • Regularly inspect your home for any signs of bed bugs and keep clutter to a minimum to prevent future infestations.

Alternatives to Killing Bed Bugs with Baking Soda

As a homeowner, discovering a bed bug infestation can be a nightmare. These tiny blood-sucking insects are notoriously difficult to eradicate and can quickly spread throughout your home.

While many have touted baking soda as a natural and effective solution, there are other proven alternatives that can also be used.

Diatomaceous Earth

One such method is the use of diatomaceous earth (DE), a natural substance made from fossilized remains of tiny aquatic organisms called diatoms.

Also Read:  Are Bed Bugs Caused By Poor Hygiene And Uncleanliness?

DE works by dehydrating and killing bed bugs upon contact, making it a popular choice for those seeking non-toxic solutions.

Simply sprinkle it in suspected areas, such as cracks and crevices, and leave it for a few days before vacuuming it up.


Another method is heat treatments, which involve heating infested areas to temperatures above 113°F, as bed bugs cannot survive in such heat. This can be done professionally or through DIY methods like using a hairdryer or steam cleaner.

However, caution must be exercised as improper use of heat treatments can be dangerous and may not reach all hiding spots of the pests.


Pesticides are also commonly used to eliminate bed bugs, but it is crucial to choose ones specifically labeled for bed bug control and follow instructions carefully. Some studies have shown that certain pesticides, like neonicotinoids, can be effective when used correctly.

They should only be used as a last resort and never applied directly to mattresses or bedding.


A combination of methods can also be effective in eliminating bed bugs. This may include using baking soda and diatomaceous earth together or combining heat treatments with pesticide use.

It is essential to thoroughly research and understand the chosen methods before attempting them and follow safety precautions to avoid any potential harm.

Preventing Future Infestations of Bed Bugs

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Bed bugs are notorious for their ability to infiltrate homes and inflict endless stress and discomfort. Once these pests have established a presence in your abode, it can be an arduous task to eradicate them completely.

However, there are measures that can be taken to prevent future infestations and maintain a bed bug-free home. In this section, we will delve into effective methods for preventing bed bug invasions.

Employ Protective Covers

One of the most effective strategies for keeping bed bugs at bay is utilizing protective covers. These covers act as a shield, preventing bed bugs from infiltrating and hiding in your bedding. It is vital to select covers specifically designed for bed bugs and labeled as “allergen-proof” or “dust mite-proof.”

Regularly Vacuum

Vacuuming plays a critical role in keeping your home free from bed bugs. Ensure to vacuum rugs, floors, furniture, bed frames, and crevices frequently.

Dispose of the vacuum bag immediately after use in a sealed plastic bag and discard it outside of your home.

Minimize Clutter and Seal Cracks

Bed bugs thrive in cluttered spaces where they can conceal themselves and reproduce without disturbance.

To prevent this, declutter your home regularly and seal any cracks or crevices where bed bugs could potentially hide. This includes fissures in walls, baseboards, and furniture.

Exercise Caution When Traveling

Bed bugs are infamous for hitchhiking in luggage and clothing, making traveling a common way for them to infiltrate homes. To avoid bringing these pests home with you after a trip, thoroughly inspect your luggage and clothes before returning home.

Wash all clothing in hot water upon return and vacuum out your luggage.

Utilize Traps or Barriers

Placing traps or barriers at the bases of bed legs can help prevent bed bugs from climbing onto your bed. These traps or barriers can be purchased at most home improvement stores or you can create your own using double-sided tape.


In conclusion, the age-old question of whether baking soda can effectively eliminate bed bugs has been answered. After delving into the properties and versatility of this common household ingredient, it is clear that baking soda is a formidable adversary against these pesky pests.

With its ability to dehydrate, explode, and physically harm bed bugs, baking soda proves to be a multifaceted solution for pest control. And unlike traditional pesticides, it is non-toxic and safer for households with children and pets.

However, like any DIY remedy, success requires proper preparation and patience. Before applying baking soda, it is crucial to vacuum and wash linens to remove any existing bed bugs. Repeat the process every few days until all signs of infestation are gone for optimal results.

But let’s not forget that baking soda is just one effective method in combating bed bug infestations. Alternatives such as diatomaceous earth, heat treatments, and pesticides can also be used in combination or separately to eradicate these persistent pests.

And once the bed bugs are gone, it’s important to take preventive measures to keep them from returning. This includes using protective covers on mattresses and pillows, regular vacuuming, minimizing clutter and sealing cracks in walls and furniture.

When traveling, it’s also wise to be cautious and check for signs of bed bugs in hotel rooms. Utilizing traps or barriers can also help maintain a bed bug-free home.