How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your Hair Naturally?

People know that bed bugs like to hide in pillows and furniture, but did you know that they can also get into your hair? Indeed, these stubborn bugs don’t just hang out in your clothing. You need to take quick and effective action when you find bed bugs in your hair. They are more than just an annoying problem.

Welcome to our complete guide on how to safely get rid of bed bugs from your hair. In this piece, we’ll talk about some useful, chemical-free ways to deal with this problem without hurting your health or the world. 

How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In Your Hair Naturally-2

So, how do you get rid of bed bugs in your hair naturally?

Bed bugs in hair can be a nuisance, but there are several natural remedies you can try to get rid of them:

  • Neem Oil or Head Lice Shampoo: Apply Neem oil or head lice shampoo mixed with your regular shampoo. Work it into your scalp.
  • Leave the Shampoo On: Leave the shampoo on your scalp for 15-20 minutes.
  • Rinse: Rinse the shampoo out of your hair with warm water.
  • Comb Out the Bed Bugs: Comb out the bed bugs with a fine-toothed comb.
  • Rinse the Comb: Rinse the comb.
  • Repeat: Repeat steps 4 and 5.
  • Repeat the Process: Repeat these 7 steps every two days until all the bugs are gone.

Another natural remedy is to use Bean Leaves. Bean leaves work kind of like a natural flypaper to trap insects, including bed bugs.

You can also try a mixture of cayenne powder, oregano, and grated ginger. Boil the mixture in water, strain it, and spray the solution on the affected area of your scalp and your hair3.

As we unfold these insights, remember that the key to success lies in patience and persistence. Now, let’s dive into the world of natural solutions to free your hair from these unwelcome guests.

Can Bed Bugs Live In Your Hair

No, bed bugs cannot actually live and survive in your hair. They are creatures that crave the shadows, favouring hidden retreats far removed from the bustling world of human hair. Their anatomy is not cut out for navigating through the dense forests of our follicles.

While they might venture close enough to nibble at the scalp, making a home there is out of the question for these critters.

Characteristic Bed Bugs Humans
Preferred Habitat Dark, secluded spaces like mattress seams, cracks, and crevices. Various environments, generally not compatible with bed bugs’ preferences.
Movement Lacks the physical adaptation for efficient movement in hair. Hair provides a challenging terrain for creatures not adapted to it.
Lifestyle Nocturnal feeders that prefer to hide close to their feeding grounds but not on a host. Active at various times, making it difficult for bed bugs to adapt to living in hair.
Feeding Habits Feed on blood but do not live on their hosts. Prefer to retreat after feeding. The human body doesn’t offer the preferred living conditions for bed bugs post-feeding.
Also Read:  Are Bed Bugs Caused By Poor Hygiene And Uncleanliness?

If you’re wrestling with the itch and discomfort of bed bug bites, there’s hope yet. Here are a few steps you can take:

  • Vacuum regularly: This sucks up any straying bugs or eggs from your floors and furniture.
  • Steam clean: A blast of steam can exterminate bugs hidden in fabrics.
  • Wash items in hot water: Bedding and clothes can be sanitized by washing them at high temperatures.
  • Natural repellents: Sprinkling baking soda or spraying diluted tea tree oil around suspected hiding spots can deter these pests.
  • Consult sleep experts: For persistent problems, it might be worth consulting with sleep specialists who can offer tailored advice for your situation.

Remember, while bed bugs might make an appearance near your headboard, finding them setting up shop in your hair is a myth.

How To Know If Your Hair Has Bed Bugs

To discern if the itching and irritation on your scalp are the handiwork of bed bugs taking up residence in your hair, consider the following points meticulously:

Sign Description Bed Bug Indication
Bites in a Line or Cluster Look for small, red, and often itchy bites that appear in a straight line or clustered together. Highly indicative of bed bug presence as they tend to bite multiple times in close proximity.
Itching and Irritation Persistent and intense itching, especially at night or early morning when bed bugs are most active. Could be a sign, but also common with other insect bites or skin conditions. Further investigation needed.
Visual Confirmation Finding live bed bugs, their shed skins, or fecal spots near your sleeping area or in your hair. Definitive proof of an infestation. Bed bugs are tiny but visible to the naked eye.
Blood Stains on Pillow Tiny blood smears on your pillowcase, often a result of crushing a bug in your sleep. A strong indicator that bed bugs have been feeding and are likely hiding nearby.
Unexplained musty odour A sweet, musty scent around your sleeping area or emanating from your hair. This odour is released by bed bugs through their scent glands and is a tell-tale sign of an infestation.

To further investigate and manage the situation, consider these steps:

  • Inspect Your Surroundings: Examine your mattress, bedding, and nearby furniture for signs of bed bugs. Using a flashlight can help spot them.
  • Maintain Cleanliness: Regularly wash and heat-dry your bedding, curtains, and clothing to kill any potential bed bugs.
  • Professional Help: If you find evidence of bed bugs or cannot control the infestation on your own, seeking professional pest control services is wise.

Remember, while bed bugs prefer hiding in mattresses and furniture crevices closer to their food source (namely us), they can occasionally find their way into hair. However, unlike lice, they do not cling to human hair or scalp for long.

How To Remove Bed Bugs From Your Hair

To rid your hair of bed bugs using natural methods, consider the following approaches, which leverage ingredients and techniques known for their efficacy in dealing with these unwelcome guests:

Method Description Application
Tea Tree Oil A potent essential oil with insecticidal properties. Mix a few drops with your regular shampoo or dilute with water and apply to the scalp. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing thoroughly.
Lavender Oil Known for its soothing scent and insect-repelling qualities. Add several drops to a mild shampoo or mix with water to create a rinse solution. Apply to hair and scalp, letting it sit before washing off.
Peppermint Leaves Offers a cooling sensation while deterring bed bugs. Crush fresh peppermint leaves to extract the juice. Apply directly to the scalp and hair, leave for some time, then rinse out.
Steam Cleaning Utilises heat to kill bed bugs and their eggs. Carefully use a steam cleaner over your hair, making sure not to burn your scalp. This method should be used with caution and perhaps as a last resort.
Baking Soda An absorbent powder that helps dry out and suffocate bed bugs. Though not typically recommended for hair, in desperate situations, you might lightly dust your scalp, leave it for a while, then comb out and wash thoroughly.
Neem Oil Anatural pesticide found in neem seeds. Mix neem oil with your shampoo or dilute it with carrier oil and apply to the scalp before washing. Its strong smell is also a deterrent for bed bugs.
Also Read:  Does Baking Soda Kill Bed Bugs?

Before trying any method, it’s crucial to perform a patch test to ensure you’re not allergic to the substances. Additionally, while these natural methods can help remove bed bugs from your hair, tackling an infestation at its source is vital.

Regularly vacuum your living spaces, wash bedding in hot water, and consider professional pest control services if the problem persists.


People often think that bed bugs live in hair, but that’s not true. Bed bugs are known for hiding in pillows and furniture. These animals don’t have the right physical traits to get around in our hair, so our scalps aren’t a good place for them to live. Instead, they are temporary guests who may bite the head but don’t live there.

Our guide gave you a lot of natural ways to keep these unwanted guests out of your hair. Essential oils like lavender and tea tree not only smell nice but also keep bugs away very effectively. People love neem oil because it keeps pests away, and you can put it straight on your hair to protect it overnight. A easy but effective way to keep your hair free of bed bugs is to wash it regularly and dry it with high heat.

People who are having trouble with these sneaky bugs can use steam cleaning services to kill any bugs that are hiding in their locks. Along with good health and regular house cleaning, this is a strong defense against bed bugs. If the problem doesn’t go away, don’t be afraid to get professional help to complete the infection.