How To Get Rid Of Skunks Under Deck?

As the sun goes down and you relax on your deck, enjoying the peace and quiet of the evening, a sudden smell makes you turn away in disgust. Yes, there is a skunk living under your deck and it bit you. Don’t worry, a lot of people have the same problem. Don’t worry, though; this blog post will show you how to get rid of skunks from under your deck in a safe and effective way.

Before we get into the steps, it’s important to know that going after a skunk without taking the right safety measures could get you sprayed. Please carefully follow these steps and make sure you have safety gear like gloves and a face mask on hand.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A powerful flashlight
  • A thick blanket or tarp
  • A humane live trap
  • Bait (such as cat food or peanut butter)
  • A long stick or broom handle
  • Ammonia or predator urine (optional)

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Now let’s begin our journey towards evicting those pesky creatures from their cozy home under your deck.

Are Skunks Dangerous?

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Are Skunks Dangerous? Skunks may pose a risk to your health due to their potential to carry diseases like rabies, leptospirosis, and canine distemper.
Moreover, they can also harbor fleas and ticks, which can transmit to your pets and even to you and your family.
The Infamous Skunk Odor A skunk’s most well-known feature is its powerful scent and its ability to spray it when feeling threatened.
This foul-smelling spray can cause temporary blindness, nausea, and vomiting in humans and pets.
If the odor invades your home or belongings, it can be challenging to eliminate completely.
Potential Damage to Structures Skunks are notorious for digging and burrowing under structures, which can weaken the foundation of your deck over time.
This can lead to costly repairs or even collapse if left unattended.
Attracting Other Pests Skunks are drawn to food sources near their den, which can lure them into your yard and potentially into your home.
This can create a mess and attract other unwanted pests, such as rats and mice.
Disrupting the Peace in Your Neighborhood The strong stench of skunk spray can travel long distances, causing disturbances in the peace of your neighborhood.
Your neighbors may also express concerns about the potential health risks associated with having skunks nearby.

What’s the Best Way to Get Rid of Skunks?

Skunks can get under your deck in a number of ways, such as by finding and closing any possible entry points, using natural repellents, putting up lights and sounds to scare them away, making your yard less appealing to them, and, lastly, setting live traps.

Starting with the most important step, you need to find and close off any openings that skunks might use to get under your deck. This will keep them from coming back after they’ve been taken off. Just remember that skunks can get through very small gaps, so check all over the place.

Natural pesticides that skunks don’t like are another good way to keep them away. In this group are things like rags soaked in ammonia or cayenne pepper spread around the deck’s edge. Skunks won’t want to stay in the area if these natural deterrents are there.

Skunks will be less likely to come to your deck if you put up lights and noisemakers that scare them away. Skunks are nocturnal, so playing loud music or flashing lights at night will startle them and make them less likely to stay under your deck.

You can also get rid of skunks by making your yard unpleasant for them to live in. This can mean getting rid of trash or pet food that skunks might use as food, keeping your yard in good shape to get rid of places they could hide, and using motion-activated sprinklers to scare them away.

You can use live traps as a last option if nothing else works. But you should check with the local government before setting traps because some places may have rules about how to trap and move wildlife. To keep skunks from coming back, you should also let them go far away from your home.

How To Get Rid Of Skunks Under Deck, Shed, Porch, or House

Skunks are nocturnal creatures that often take shelter under your deck, shed, porch, or house in search of food and refuge. While they may seem like a nuisance, it’s important to remember that they play a valuable role in our ecosystem. To effectively and ethically remove skunks from these areas, it is essential to take a comprehensive approach that addresses the root cause of their presence. Here are some proven techniques to help you eliminate skunks from your property.

  • Identify and eliminate food sources: The first step towards getting rid of skunks is to determine what is attracting them to your property. Skunks are opportunistic eaters and are drawn to pet food, bird feeders, trash cans, and other sources of food. To discourage them from returning, secure these potential food sources or keep them out of reach.
  • Install barriers: Skunks prefer dark and secluded areas for their dens. By installing barriers such as steel mesh or wire fencing around the perimeter of your deck, shed, porch, or house, you can prevent them from accessing these spots and creating their den.
  • Use harassment tactics: Skunks are shy creatures and can be easily deterred by loud noises or bright lights. Installing motion-activated lights or playing loud music near their den can discourage them from staying.
  • Consider chemical repellents: Chemical repellents can be an effective method for getting rid of skunks but should be used in conjunction with other methods. Look for repellents specifically designed for skunks or create your own using ingredients like pepper spray or predator urine.
  • Live trapping: If all else fails, live trapping can be used as a last resort to capture skunks and relocate them far away from your property. It is vital to handle traps carefully and seek professional help if needed.
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In case of a skunk spray incident, it’s best to avoid using home remedies like tomato juice as they may not be effective. Instead, try using a DIY pet shampoo recipe or seek professional help to eliminate the odor.

How to Get Rid of Skunks with Repellents

Skunks can be quite bothersome when they decide to make their home under your deck. They emit an unpleasant smell and can potentially cause damage to your property. Luckily, there are various effective and safe repellents that can help you get rid of these pesky creatures. Some of these repellents include citrus peels, bright lights, water, oils, and hot spices.

  • Citrus peels: The scent of citrus is known to repel skunks. Scatter lemon or orange peels beneath your deck to discourage skunks from taking up residence there.
  • Bright lights: Skunks are nocturnal animals and prefer dark and secluded areas. By installing bright lights around your deck, you can make it less inviting to skunks, as they will feel exposed and vulnerable.
  • Water: A strong jet stream of water can be an effective way to drive away skunks living under your deck. This will make them wet and uncomfortable, making them less likely to return.
  • Oils: Castor oil and vegetable oil can make a skunk’s fur sticky and oily, which they find unpleasant. Spraying these oils around the entry points of your deck can help keep skunks away.
  • Hot spices: Skunks have a sensitive sense of smell and do not like strong scents. Sprinkling hot spices like cayenne pepper or chili powder around your deck can deter them from approaching.

Apart from natural repellents, there are also commercial skunk repellent products available in the market. However, it is important to note that these chemical-based repellents should be used in combination with other methods and with caution.

It is also recommended to identify and remove any potential food sources that may be attracting skunks to your property, such as pet food, bird feeders, trash cans, compost piles, and outdoor grills. Additionally, ensure all entry points to the skunk’s den are sealed off to prevent them from taking up residence under your deck.

If the skunk problem persists, it is best to seek help from professional wildlife control rehabilitators who have experience in safely trapping and relocating skunks.

Where Do Skunks Live?

Skunks can be found residing under obstructions, such as decks, sheds, and porches, that provide them with shelter and protection. These areas serve as ideal locations for skunks to rest during the day, away from potential threats.

While skunks are known to make their dens in open fields, forests, and other natural environments, they have become increasingly common in residential areas. Thus, it is essential to take preventive measures to discourage them from choosing your deck as their new home.

Some common places where skunks may take up residence under decks include:

  • Abandoned dens: Skunks often take advantage of abandoned dens made by other animals, such as groundhogs or foxes. They may also forcefully evict current occupants and claim the den for themselves.
  • Manmade structures: Skunks may also opt to live under manmade structures like garages, sheds, and decks. These structures offer warmth and protection from predators.
  • Secluded areas: Skunks prefer quiet and isolated locations for their dens. This could include areas under decks that are rarely used or disturbed by humans.
  • Near food sources: Skunks are attracted to human habitats due to the abundance of food sources like pet food, fallen fruit, and garbage. They may choose to establish their den near these food sources for convenient access.
  • Natural habitats: Depending on the species of skunk, they may also construct their dens in natural habitats such as forests, meadows, and swamps.
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To effectively deter skunks from making your deck their home, it is crucial to remove potential attractants and secure possible den sites.

What to Do If You Find a Skunk Den?

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to safely and effectively remove a skunk den from under your deck.

Firstly, it is crucial to confirm the presence of a skunk den. Look for signs such as holes or burrows around the edges of your deck, a strong odor, and visible droppings to confirm its presence.

Next, determine if any skunks are currently residing in the den. Observe the entrance of the den at night to see if any skunks enter or exit. If there are no skunks present, it is safe to proceed with removing the den.

Before proceeding with removal, it is important to check with your local wildlife authorities as skunks are protected animals in some areas. It is necessary to follow all regulations and guidelines.

There are various methods you can use to deter skunks from entering or staying in the area. Ammonia-soaked rags or predator urine can be used around the entrance of the den. Additionally, using a bright light near the entrance can make it less appealing for them to stay.

If these methods do not work, it is best to seek guidance from a professional wildlife removal service or your local wildlife authorities for safe and effective removal.

Once the den is removed, make sure to seal off any entry points under your deck using wire mesh or hardware cloth. This will prevent future nesting and ensure that the skunks do not return.

To discourage future nesting, place gravel around the perimeter of your deck and remove any potential food sources such as pet food, bird feeders, and trash cans.

If you are uncomfortable handling trapping yourself, seek help from wildlife control rehabilitators who are experienced in safely removing and relocating skunks.

What to Do If a Skunk Sprays You?

If you ever find yourself on the receiving end of a skunk’s spray, it’s vital to act promptly and efficiently to minimize the stench and prevent it from lingering in your home. Here are some immediate steps you can take if a skunk sprays you and some effective ways to eliminate the smell.

  • Identify the source of the odor: The first thing you should do is figure out where the skunk sprayed you. This could be your clothes, skin, or any other surfaces that may have come into contact with the spray.
  • Let fresh air in: Open windows and doors to let in fresh air and help dissipate the smell. You can also set up a fan to speed up the process.
  • Clean affected areas: Use warm water and dish soap to wash any surfaces that have been sprayed by the skunk. This will help remove the oily residue from the spray and reduce the odor.
  • Try baking soda and hydrogen peroxide: Make a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and apply it to any areas that still have a lingering smell. Leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing.
  • Place bowls of vinegar: Placing bowls of vinegar in each room of your house can help absorb any remaining odor. Leave them for 6 to 8 hours, or until the smell is gone.
  • Seek professional assistance: If you’re not comfortable handling the situation yourself, consider seeking help from wildlife control rehabilitators. They have experience dealing with skunks and can safely remove them from your property.

To effectively eliminate the skunk smell, it’s important to act quickly and use a combination of methods. Ventilating the area, cleaning affected surfaces, and using natural odor-absorbing materials like vinegar can all assist in getting rid of the stench.


Getting rid of skunks from your deck may seem like a difficult job, but it’s actually very easy if you know what to do and take the right safety measures.

Take care when approaching the situation and wear safety gear before you try to get rid of the skunks. There are many good ways to get skunks out from under your deck: removing food sources, putting up barriers, using repellents, and, if necessary, getting professional help.

And if skunk spray does happen, act quickly by finding the damaged areas and cleaning them up. If you need to, you can also call for help. If you follow these tips and keep working toward your goal, you will be able to get those annoying animals out from under your deck without hurting them or your property.